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How to add a Team Member?

31 July, 2023

What is a team management feature?

The new team feature allows you to invite members to your group and operate the same account as a team. This is perfect for collaboration! 

To use this feature, the team leader must invite users, and users will need to accept the invitation via email and create an account. Once the account has been created, members can access the same environment as a team member.

How to add a team member?

  1. Navigate to the  Team. 
  2. Enter the member's email.
  3. Then, choose the events to authorize this user.
  4. Send Invite
Add a team member - Linko

What are Permissions?

Create: This event will allow your team member to shorten links, generate QR codes, create link in bio, splash pages, CTA overlays, add retargeting pixels, branded domains, create campaigns, channels/folders, and have access to the developer API, and export data.

Edit: This event will allow your team member to edit links, edit QR codes, edit Bio pages, edit splash pages, edit CTA overlays, edit retargeting pixels, edit campaigns, and edit channels/folders.

Delete: This event will allow your team member to delete links, delete QR codes, delete Bio pages, delete splash pages, delete CTA overlays, delete retargeting pixels, delete branded domains, delete campaigns, and delete channels/folders.

Please Note: The team member is only allowed the permissions you assign them and nothing more.

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