Help Center

Answers to frequently asked questions & solutions


How to add custom UTM Parameters?

Parameters and UTM Builder:You can define custom parameters and UTM for each short link. These...
Updated 4 months ago

How to create a short link?

Introduction to short linksShort links transform any URL you share into a powerful marketing asset...
Updated 4 months ago

How to set up Meta-Tags?

Meta-Tags:You can customize the meta tags for any long URL. You can change/add a custom "Meta...
Updated 6 months ago

Can we customize sharing preview on social networks?

Yes, you have complete control over your links and you can customize your sharing preview for each...
Updated 12 months ago

How to Export links?

Export Links:This feature allows you to generate a list of URLs in CSV format and export it to your...
Updated 1 year ago

What are Targeting features?

Linko provides an advanced array of targeting options to filter and optimize your traffic with the...
Updated 1 year ago

What are Redirection Types?

Linko has 5 types of redirection that you can use. Each of them is explained below.Direct...
Updated 1 year ago

What is Data Retention?

Data retention is the process of storing and keeping the data/statistics of Links, Bio Pages, and QR...
Updated 1 year ago

Does Linko have deep link integration?

Deep Linking is not available, but Linko already triggers the native deep linking feature...
Updated 2 years ago

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